Temos Accreditation: Burjeel Hospital for Advanced Surgery accredited

Congratulations to Burjeel Hospital in Dubai, UAE for excellent quality management supporting the high-class medicine and services offered to patients from all over the world.
The team of two assessors from Germany and Greece visited the hospital onsite for three days and found an excellently managed facility with a team of kind, considerate and professional staff, kind hospitality, highly sophisticated facilities including the operation theatres, and a high level of quality in medical treatment, equipment, and nursing.
Burjeel Hospital for Advanced Surgery could confirm very successfully their “Excellence in Medical Tourism” certificate which they received three years ago.
Burjeel Hospital for Advanced Surgery (BHAS) is one of the finest medical facilities providing premium and state-of-the-art medical facilities in the region. The hospital currently has three operation theaters with highest quality service offered in joint surgery, pediatric orthopedics, hand surgery, sports orthopedics, spine surgery, etc. Patients benefit from a team of highly specialized consultants, many of whom are nationally and internationally recognized for their expertise and experience.